Thursday, 3 July 2014

Part 2 of Dress Making

Yes, today was a very exciting day!

My dress pieces were finally ready to be sewn together! It isn't finished just yet, but I'm almost there!

I got a feel for sewing on a machine and after a few practice rounds it already started to feel like second nature. I really am feeling so excited about finally getting closer to being able to do this as a hobby all the time.. I managed to sew together the bodice front, the front skirt, and then the same at the back.

Now all that needs to be done is my measurements need to be checked against my sewn dress (this is so important as you really don't wan't to go to all the trouble of making your outfit..just to find out it does not fit...).
A zip at the back of the dress also needs to be added, then the front and the back of the dress need to be sewn together... and then Voila!! I can't wait to see the finished product.

Today I found out how rewarding it is to sew all the little pieces together and finally starting to see how it turns into your final product. I am sure if you also sew, you will know this same feeling *_*

I LOVE this so much and I can't wait to discover new patterns and sew more clothes!

If you are also starting off with sewing for the first time, feel free to share your experiences, highlights and the tough parts :)

Here are some pictures of the progress (part 2)

                                                               Front of the dress

                                        Back of the dress ( I still need to add the zip )

Front of the Bodice (still need to check the size against myself)

There it is :) Some progress which will hopefully be a finished dress soon!

Tip: when buying pins, make sure you buy the pins with the little colourful ball tips which allow you to see where to sew or where you have pinned way easier.

X Vicky

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